Traditional Weddings
The full package! This wedding service includes getting to know each other, planning the customized ceremony, performing the ceremony, and legal registration of your marriage licence. A walkthrough can be added to make the experience fun and go smoothly!
We start with getting to know each other to prepare your customized ceremony. You will receive a ceremony/vow template to work with and resources so you can make it personal.
We build in all the legal and personal elements into the ceremony with unlimited emailing. This package includes any additions you wish to have (honouring seniors, unity ceremonies for blended families, more here), and all legal paper work. I will submit your marriage licence and explain how to retrieve your marriage certificate. (Prices starting at $600)
To check availability, fill in the Contact Form or email: Your full names, phone numbers, date, time, and location to: tade@sheisthemarryinglady.com
*Read what happy couples have to say! Check out Google Reviews to see their experiences.
Photo Credit: PurpleTree Photography