What does your Officiant do when they arrive on site?
I arrive early and what I typically do after checking in with the couple (just to say - HI, I’m here!) during that time includes:
- I check the mic (if any); I move the stand out out of the way so its not in any photos.
- I check out where we will sign the Register (before, during or after the ceremony); if its a table, I make sure there is only one chair and that there is no post for the bride to bang her shines on.
- I check to ensure I have the vows from the couple if they have them printed.
- I check in with the 'point person' who will let us know that the bride is ready and we can start.
- I check to make sure someone has the rings; I then tell that person to not stand with their back to the guests, but on the side of the groom.
- I check to see if the ladies have their flowers in water and if so, I take them out and dry them off; flowers will survive without being in water for the whole ceremony and bouquets are drippy if kept in water.
- I remind the maid of honour to fix the train when the bride first arrives and throughout the ceremony.
- If there are kids, I get them warmed up to me so they will be more inclined to come up the aisle towards me and not be so freaked. Sometimes I save them from putting things in electrical outlets (seriously, people get distracted at big events and wee ones can often go rogue!)
- I remind the DJ to get ready to start the music right after the kiss to keep the energy raised in the ceremony and get the party started (they are always a bit slow on doing this if I don't remind them)
- I check in with the photographer to see if I need to make any announcements about camera flashes and if this will interfere with their shots; I remind them to put their cameras on silent (esp if they are sports photographers, their cameras have a loud clicking sound!)
- The photographers usually check in with me to see if I have any restrictions, I do not. However, those with sports cameras should turn off the sound, its distracting.
- I check in with videographers to make sure their stands are not blocking guests (I've had one who set up right in front of the grooms mom, so ridiculous)
- I complete all of the paper work that has to be signed, but I can do 92% after the ceremony, so as long as I get that brown envelope as soon as I arrive, its all good.
- I smile and get centered to help the couple feel warmth and comfort and then we begin...